Villa Kato Verga, Kalamata 250 m2
1.200.000 €
250.00 m²
At an excellent location, outside of Kalamata, a luxurious, detached house of 250 m2, inside its own plot of 1.000 m2, is available for sale. The property consists in total of 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 1 w.c., a single rooms for the kitchen and living room and verandas. The property is equipped with an autonomous, petrol heating system, a fireplace in the living room, air-conditionning units in all rooms, security doors, and aluminum windows with double glazing and screens. The surrounding surface is entirely landscaped and planted with trees, includes a swimming pool of 50 m2 with a jacuzzi, a bbq and an outdoors parking space for 4 cars. In terms of location, the property is found 500 meters from the sea and 8 km from the city, inside a green area, offering an un-obstructed, panoramic view of the sea.
Skouras Real Estate
Real Estate Agency in Kalamata
Ir. Politechniou 78, Kalamata, Messinia, P.C.: 24100
Members of EPPA, CEI, NAR
Tel. Center: +30 2721101356
Mob.: +30 6980183000
Property Manager: Fotis Dimitrakopoulos
The property information we present is what has been provided to us by the owners. Our company is not responsible for any incorrect information provided. An ID/passport is required to visit properties. Property locations on the map are approximate.
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