Plot Tirintha, Nea Tiryntha 825 m2
35.000 €
825.00 m²
In the area of Nea Tiryntha and just 400m. from the center of the village, a complete and buildable plot with a total surface of 825 sq.m. for sale. The plot is located within the limits of the settlement and is suitable for the construction of both a holiday home and a permanent residence with the possibility of building up to 400 sq.m. The location is particularly advantageous, with a south-west orientation and easy connections for water and electricity. It can be accessed from a paved road, has a frontage of about 24m. and a depth of 34m. It is worth mentioning that there are newly built houses around the perimeter of the plot.
Skouras Real Estate
Real Estate Agency in Nafplio
Dervenakion & Thessalonikis, PC 21100
Members of EPPA, CEI, NAR
Tel. Center: +30 27520 29529
Mob.: +30 6987504040
Property Manager: Alexandros Tzeiranidis
The property information we present is what has been provided to us by the owners. Our company is not responsible for any incorrect information provided. An ID/passport is required to visit properties. Property locations on the map are approximate.
Property Data

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The locations of the properties on the map are approximate.
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