Plot Messini 615 m2
65.000 €
615.83 m²
For sale a plot of 615,83 m2 in Messini. The location is suitable for both a family and a holiday home. Very close to schools of all levels, kindergarten and sports area. In about 1000 meters is the junction of the perimeter road of the city of Messina. Due to its location one can enjoy the urban fabric of the city without the noise and traffic problems that arise from it.
Skouras Real Estate
Real Estate Agency in Kalamata
Ir. Politechniou 78, Kalamata, Messinia, P.C.: 24100
Members of EPPA, CEI, NAR
Tel. Center: +30 2721101356
Mob.: +30 6985795500
Property Manager: Dimitris Charalampopoulos
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See also
The cultural capital of Messinia. The city of Messina or else Island is located on the right side of the Pamisos river at the bottom of the Messinian plain, the Homeric "Makar pedion" or "Blessing", as it is still called today.
It is 10 ki...
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