Plot Agios Nikolaos, Lefktro-Kardamyli 1.410 m2
150.000 €
1410.38 m²
For sale in the area of Ditiki Mani a plot of 1.410,38 sq.m. with a building capacity of 200 sq.m. The property is located in a very beautiful location with the main advantage that it is located
just 400 meters from the famous beach of Pantazi and four minutes from the picturesque seaside village of Agios Nikolaos which makes it an excellent choice
for building the holiday home of your dreams.
Skouras Real Estate
Real Estate Agency in Kalamata
Ir. Politechniou 78, Kalamata, Messinia, P.C.: 24100
Members of EPPA, CEI, NAR
Tel. Center: +30 2721101356
Mob.: +30 6980608225
Property Manager: Charalampos Kastanas
The property information we present is what has been provided to us by the owners. Our company is not responsible for any incorrect information provided. An ID/passport is required to visit properties. Property locations on the map are approximate.
Property Data

The information of the properties we present is the information provided by the owners.
Our company is not responsible for any incorrect information.
To visit properties, presentation of ID/passport is required.
The locations of the properties on the map are approximate.
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See also
Agios Nikolaos
The picturesque fishing village. Agios Nikolaos is a picturesque fishing village of Messinian Mani a short distance from Stoupa and with a population of 425 permanent residents.
In the past, the village was called Selinitsa which means little Moon or little Helen. According to ...